Fangabúningur Orange Galli
7.500 kr.
Vöruflokkar: Búningar, Hrekkjavaka, Karlar, Konur, Löggur & Bófar
Skemmtilegur appelsínugulur heilgalli sem hentar í margskonar tilefni. Whether intended as an original outfit for Carnival, Halloween or a theme party, this criminally fun prisoner costume for men is sure to steal the show. The Prisoner Peter costume consists of an orange jumpsuit with black prisoner number for a complete look. Beware: since this costume is so fun, it can also be snatched by women looking for an outfit!
- Skila- og skipti frestur er 14 dagar. Vara og umbúðir þurfa vera í upprunalegu ástandi.
- Pantanir eru póstlagðar innan 2 virka daga, yfirleitt næsta virka dag.
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